B.Sc. (ZBC ) ( Bachelor of Science (ZBC) )

SGC is one of the best B.Sc.(ZBC) education College in Saharanpur. The reason for SGC being the best B.Sc college in Saharanpur is that it ensures that all students are adequately exposed to both theoretical as well as practical aspects of the courses. B.Sc. includes theory and practical modules in the relevant field of science. B.Sc.(ZBC)is one of the most chosen courses in India. The job opportunities available to one who have completed his studies in this sector are numerous. This undergraduate-level academic degree provides a fundamental understanding of the subject at hand. All these reasons together contribute towards making SGC the most sought after BSC college in Saharanpur.


10+2 passed in PCM or ZBC stream with minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in aggregate at +2 level.

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